Legislation Introduced into Parliament 12-15 August 2024

These Bills were introduced into Parliament by the Government during the last sitting week:

Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment (Scheduling) Bill 2024

Better and Fairer Schools (Information Management) Bill 2024

Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Administration) Bill 2024

Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024

The following Bill was referred to Committee by the Senate:

Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024 to the Education and Employment Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 30 September 2024.

The Parliament will next sit 19-22 August 2024.

If you require any assistance in the analysis of any of these pieces of legislation or in the preparation of submissions to government or to a Parliamentary Committee, please contact us.

By | 2024-08-19T19:55:54+10:00 August 19th, 2024|Legislation Introduced, Parliament|0 Comments